Getting tired of this???

education Feb 15, 2021

It's Cyber Monday, this is what we do! I will tone the frequency down after today!

Been getting a LOT of questions/replies to these emails, I'm not going to give up on you all. 

Up to the challenge!


Only a few more hours left, and prices double again back to normal.

Many of these questions have been answered in the emails over the last year. I realize not all of you subscribed on New Years Eve 2019 LOL, and even if you did you probably haven't read each and every email. 

No matter how amazing they might've been (questionable!).


But that means you've also missed a lot of the nuance and details that I get asked about so much. 


I will be going back and grabbing a bunch of emails from the past year that aren't time relevant, but more informative on things like price action and Market Regime oriented and putting them together in a book. 

There will likely be some holes or gaps, here and there, so I will do my best to fill those gaps with new information on top of the existing information. 

This will be in digital format so I'll be able to update as needed and keep it relevant. 

I will make this book FREE to all who:

  • Are Members of the Trading Lab
  • Purchased Consistently Profitable Trader Course
  • Purchased Systems Mastery Course

In essence if you've purchased ANY of those courses or are a member of the Trading Lab (when I finish with the book), you will get it!

Cyber Monday is ending in a few hours, if you are on the fence, pull the trigger and you will get this epic reference to regimes, price action and some hidden gems that I haven't shared before. 


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